Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Don't cry over spilled milk. Or oil stain.

Moving back to Washington has been awesome.  But not without it's challenges.

Take for instance staining the cedar eaves of my house.
I probably shouldn't be doing this by myself, anyway.  What about me says balanced or coordinated on a ladder?  Hint: Not a lot.  Also, I have back issues and will be sore for the next couple days because I'm old like that.  But... I did the soffits (this is a new word I learned) last week, so I should be able to finish doing the eaves by myself, too.  Right?

Well... it was hot this morning.  I didn't wake up early enough to beat the sun like I had intended, so by the time I got up on the ladder around 9am and started staining it was pushing 90° and sweat was dripping into my eyes as I tilted my head back to look up at my work.  I plugged through anyway, but was already getting irritable - just hot and bothered - as the morning progressed.  Then it happened.  I moved the extension ladder to my next spot, climbed up and grabbed the brush out of the tray (which was balanced with the brush and unbalanced without) and yes, the tray full of oil stain tumbled to the ground, drenching the side of my house and several plants.

I cracked.  I yelled a couple choice words (good thing nobody was here) and tears just started streaming out of my eyeballs for no good reason.  I eventually pulled myself together, stopped my tantrum, and cleaned up the mess I had created.  I even finished staining to the corner.

I feel like this is an apt description of how transitioning to Washington is going for me.  I'm ambitious and driven, which can be awesome.  But, sometimes I keep going and going when I need to just stop before I dump a tray of oil stain all over the place.

For my friends who want updates about what I'm doing... sorry I haven't communicated much.  Most of my life right now has been working, working on my house, and spending time with my parents.  I usually feel the need to have something awesome to say when I write an update, but I guess this will have to do for now.