Monday, March 26, 2012

Four Months in Manoa

Greetings from YWAM Honolulu deep in the heart of Manoa Valley, Oahu, Hawai'i!

I'm settling in and making this place home, and figured I had better write you all! I have two roommates, Jonna (Pronounced Yoh-nuh) from Finland, and Krista from Tennessee. These two girls are going to be staffing the SBS with me. The other staff for our school is made up of 4 married couples/families.

The DTS from YWAM Honolulu is preparing to leave for outreach this Thursday. They are headed out in four teams to China, Thailand, Cambodia, and India to preach the Gospel and serve in practical ways, from teaching English in China to ministering among prostitutes in India. They have been very welcoming and friendly despite our limited time with them.

And then there is our SBS, which starts ONE WEEK FROM TODAY. Oh man. I think that just registered in my mind. We have around 20 students coming. We had a few accepted students who weren't able to get their visas to the USA... but we trust that God has plans for them even in this unexpected (in our eyes at least) turn of events!

So as we look forward to the arrival of our students from around the world, we are busy preparing our classroom and dorms for them. And busy preparing to teach as well. Our school leader, Plamena really champions us. She wants us to teach as much as possible, to give input in decisions for the school, and to grow in our teaching and leadership gifts. It is really a blessing to have leadership that is so dedicated to serving and developing the staff working with them. We even have two full-time pastoral staff who will not have grading or teaching responsibilities, but will be there to care for the hearts of us staff and students. Such a blessing!

A few things to pray for:
  • Our students who still need visas - for favor with their interviewers and the US government
  • Our students who still need finances - that God would provide and give them creative ideas how to raise the needed funds
  • Relationships among our staff team to be strong and healthy - we are still getting to know one another and most have never worked with one another before this school
  • Pray for this SBS to be a school marked by joy and a passion to learn - both our staff and students
Akua ho'omaika'i oe


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Oahu bound... and the brake light saga!

I know, I know... it feels like I just got back and now I'm leaving again. To be honest, I haven't been super excited about Oahu. I've been pretty busy the past few weeks, so I really haven't had much time to think about it... but I fly over on Saturday and our "Staff Training" time for the Hawaiian Islands School of Biblical Studies will start on Monday. I suppose transitions always create mixed emotions, but I'm just trusting God that when my feet step off the plane in Oahu my heart will come along, too and not be left behind in Kona!

Now, about the brake lights... It all started 2 weekends ago when my little neighbor (Lucas) turned 6 and I went to his birthday party.

Little did I know my safety inspection sticker was expired... On my way home from the party I was pulled over. Thankfully, the officer was super chill and just told me to get it renewed otherwise I could get pulled over and get a $75 ticket. So on Monday I went to get the inspection done and the guy says, "Uh, your brake lights aren't working... get that fixed and I can pass you." I went home and called my dad, googled solutions, and checked fuses and a light bulb. It seemed the issue was the brake light switch. Unfortunately, last week I was swamped with serving in hospitality, starting early in the mornings and going all day, so I didn't have a chance to do anything with my car. I kept driving it and praying nobody would rear-end me (or pull me over.)

And now for my divergent/attention deficit rabbit trails...

Here's a few things I served last week:

Alaska Salmon with lemon & dill (this photo was taken before it went in the oven)

One of the snack stops for a progressive lunch... at a construction site... That's a door on two sawhorses and fresh fruit salad. Pretty nice for a condo under construction, right?

Aaanyway, on Sunday I got a ride to church with some others on the worship team and borrowed roomie's car for the evening Filipino service (my last week of teaching Sunday School, awww!!!) I was feeling pretty uncomfortable driving without the brake lights AND the expired safety, so I avoided it as much as possible. Come Monday I promptly bought a brake light switch and had my neighbor Andrew install it. *Side note: I seriously have the best downstairs neighbors!* But the brake lights still didn't work.


Off to the mechanic. This morning I took the car in to a place Andrew recommended and the guy totally helped me out... The verdict? Some relay thing in the trunk (sorry, Dad... I forget what he called it!) It's been quite the stress... as my dad knows since I've been bugging him at work several times this past week! Anyway, it's just suuuuch a relief to have it taken care of. Even if it is only 3 days before I leave the island.

So, that's the brake light saga. I'm grateful to have come to the end of that story. Next, I suppose, will be the starter. But not too soon I hope. I'm thinking Mom & Dad need to come out here for a visit in August and Dad can help me with car stuff... and I'll take him diving in exchange! Sounds like a plan!