Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Yep, I'm only two days away from my 30s!  Awesome!  And weird!  

My mom wrote such a sweet post on Facebook yesterday:

30 years AGO--which is a long time when you think about it--a REALY long time--I was HUGE--well actually I was pregnant --but HUGE all the same--It was hot outside and I had a 2 1/2 year old to tote around too--in those days we didn't have the option of knowing the sex of the baby--Stan had picked out the name of Joseph Bradley as we figured another boy was in our future but somewhere in the back of my mind--I hoped for a girl--a squishy, dress in pink, little sweetie--I had picked the name Jillian Esther if I was so fortunate to have a girl--- and I spent my days waddling around, entertaining the 2 1/2 year old and floating in Jeff's wading pool face first with my belly in the inner-tube while he splashed around. I was grateful no one could see me as I looked like a whale and felt like one too--little did I know--that 3 days later a VERY special someone would greet me with a YELL! I was actually due in July but of course the Doctor doesn't REALLY know--he just guesses--so as I approach the 28th of june--I think about my special someone who has made my life complete--love you Jillian E

Sweet, right?  My parents are pretty awesome.  But birthdays for me have been a little weird ever since I passed my brother in years.  (He was 27 when he died in 2007.)  I'm not really depressed or sad when I think about him... more so reflective... a bit nostalgic perhaps.  I find myself listening to 90's alternative music and remembering rides to and from school with Jeff - good memories, not sad memories.  Music was a big part of our lives.  Playing music, listening to music, writing music... when I think of the music we enjoyed, I remember good times.  It's funny how I can hardly remember the bad times... I remember we had them, but the details have grown fuzzy as the years have passed and what's remained is the good times.  That is such a gift from God for which I am so grateful.  But when I think of being my parents' first kid (or only kid) to turn 30, that still feels wrong - out of sorts.  It's weird that I miss him but I'm not sad.  And I don't really have guilt for not being sad like I once had.  I feel like I'm doing okay.

I guess this is a random sort of birthday post.  But... then again, I'm rather random.

I've come to the conclusion that life is too short to remember and dwell on the bad.
Here's to living life to the fullest and remembering the good times!


Saturday, June 9, 2012

A Bridge...

What do you call a Kiwi, Swiss, Chinese and American hanging out around a pink floatie ring?  YWAMers.  
Kesia and I chillin at Yokohama Bay - We miss Big Island, but O'ahu's not too shabby.  :)
I will miss Hawai'i.
Our students have finished Luke, Acts, and all of Paul's letters leaving only 11 books in the New Testament!  I am especially looking forward to this coming week where Ron & Judy Smith, will be teaching Matthew and Hebrews.  They will complete their study of the New Testament on July 15th after the last book, Revelation is taught by Steve Gregg, author of "Revelation: Four Views".  I will head back to Kona on July 18th for 2 weeks of packing, fellowship, and all the details a move like this entails.

Transitions are always bittersweet.  I can't help but pray this is the last transition I make for a while.  I remember thinking in my early YWAM days, "I hope I always travel, always see new places in the world... I never want to stay in one place!"  And yet... here I am, turning 30 on June 28th, and more and more wanting to be settled and have a place to call home.

There's been a picture God has given me over and over throughout my life:  that I would be a bridge for others to get into missions.  And as much as I've fought this at times (bridges get walked on, after all) I've come to realize that I find so much joy and peace when I am that bridge - who God has created me to be.  When I see another dedicate their life to missions, for the sake of the Gospel... and know I had a part in their becoming a missionary (however miniscule a part) I think, "This is why I do what I do!"  This is what it's all about for me.  This is why I'm still serving in YWAM after 9 years.  This is why I work the long hours.  This is why I teach the Bible, why I grade homework, why I lead  worship, why I attend meetings, why I cook meals or prepare snacks... because I'm investing in the lives of world changers who will take the truth and hope of God to the nations.  

So when I'm tempted to throw in the towel and just return to the nine to five because I'm not on the "frontlines" of ministry 24/7, I hear God quietly remind me that my role as a bridge is just as vital as the roles of those who would walk over this bridge into their calling.  And hopefully this bridge will be stationary for the next few years.   

What about you?  What is the role God has called you to fulfill?  Are you doing well?
If you are weary in your role, I pray God would strengthen you and give you rest.
If you feel unappreciated, I pray God would encourage you.
If you are unsure of what God has called you to do, I pray God would bring clarity and peace in how you can serve him right where you are right now.

May you be so encouraged and blessed, dear friends.