Sunday, January 17, 2010

Since I've been back...

...We've studied Hosea and Isaiah, two prophets of the Old Testament. Pretty awesome stuff.

Last week, Hosea showed us all about the steadfast love of God towards his people despite their continual unfaithfulness.

Isaiah showed us so much, but my favorite part of the homework was looking for the word servant throughout chapters 40-66 and deciding who the "servant" was based on the context and the research we did about the author, dating, and original hearers. There was so much about JESUS (in my opinion based on my research, so you are allowed to disagree with me) that was undisputedly talking about him. And there is archaeological evidence that Isaiah was written at least a couple hundred years before the birth of Jesus, and based on the fact that in the dead sea scrolls, the book of Isaiah is on one scroll, front and back, without a separation between chapters 39 and 40, suggesting it is all one work by one author, as opposed to some scholars view that it is impossible that Isaiah could have written both sections because of the specifics of his prophecies... such scholars don't believe that God could have divinely inspired Isaiah with the name of Cyrus, a Persian ruler who would free his people from exile in Babylon (which was not a world power at the time of Isaiah...) But if Isaiah did not write the entire book of Isaiah, or at least prophesy all of the prophesies written in the book, then every writer in the New Testament was either misled or deceptive, as the numerous quotations of his prophesies are said to be found "in the book of Isaiah." So... I think the evidence makes it clear... God did speak to this guy, Isaiah, son of Amoz, and he prophesied coming judgment and restoration, and salvation. ANYWAY... I don't know if any of you are as excited about the evidence as I am.

Now I have to admit something. Since I've been back from Christmas break, I've been having a hard time getting into the homework and was feeling rather frustrated with myself. Just not feeling motivated, I guess. I was emotionally drained and had multiple things that reminded me of my brother and how he's not here anymore. Then I was just frustrated that I'm still having those days where I miss him. Its been nearly 3 years!!! Anyway, I didn't finish my homework for Isaiah, I didn't hardly do any, actually. I was super discouraged about it, but I felt encouraged and reminded that I didn't come here for grades, I came here because I wanted to know God and his word better so I can better share him with others. So, even if I didn't get an "A" on my homework this week (or a B, or C...) I know he is working in my life and bringing the emotions and attitudes of my heart to the surface because his word is not just about changing my thinking, its also about changing my heart, correcting wrong ideas I have of God, healing hurts I have, and the lot. And I know I have the tools to study his word for myself now, so when the school finishes I can go back and dig deeper into Isaiah where I missed stuff. And God loves me just the same as if I would have worked my butt off to get all the homework done.

So that's what I've ALSO been learning this week. That God doesn't expect perfection and see me as a failure when I don't meet the mark. He isn't this harsh father yelling at me for not being good enough... And for me, that was something I really needed to learn. That God is more like a Dad who when his kid is learning to walk is going "YEAH! You can do it!" and when his kid falls, he's not saying, "You STUPID kid! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING EVEN TRYING THAT???" He's saying, "YEAH!!! That's my girl! She walked! Did you see that???" Even if all his kid walked was 1 step.

So... thanks, God, for that reminder of your love for me, and your love for everyone. Help me to really grasp this concept of your love that does not demand perfection, but delights in me just because I'm your child.